Basic Info:
Age: 27
Height: 82.2 Ilms
Weight: 165~ Ponze
Build: Tall, Fit, somewhat lithe
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hair colour: White
Eye colour: Pale green
General personality description:Sylvie is a shy trans woman who grew up a bit of a shut-in. Nervous and mostly introverted, she's hesitant to start conversations or initiate new friendships on her own. Though she's made steady progress on the matter, it still remains that she's more quiet and reserved around people she doesn't know very well. She has an incredible interest in both plants and exploration, getting her to talk about those are surefire ways to get her out of her shell more. She has a soft spot for the more soft spoken, and often tries her best to strike up conversations with those who seem lonely.Despite her general shyness, Sylvie is an absolute team player when it comes to her work. Some of her most outgoing moments are found through battlefield planning and exploration work, with her being more than willing to strike up conversations pertaining to relevant subjects such as strategy or map making. An adventurer through and through, Sylvie is far more likely to be more herself around the rough and tumble crowds of the Limsa Lominsa docks than a quiet library.

IC Info and backstory:

Backstory:Sylvie was born in Ishgard into a simple family. Her mother was a botanist and her father a knight in the Order of the Knights Dragoon. Two years after her birth her father fell in battle, prompting her mother to leave their life in Ishgard behind, moving both of them to La Noscea where Sylvie would spend the rest of her childhood growing up around Limsa Lominsa and the melting pot of cultures found there.In her teenage years Sylvie spent some time studying under her mother, learning much about botany and forming a small bond between her and her distant parent. However, hearing tales of glory and adventure around the docks of Limsa inspired her. She dreamt of wide open skies and lands unseen by herself, catapulting her into taking up a job at the local tavern to both hear more stories and try to find tutors in the ways of the freelance adventurer.As a young adult she would achieve her dreams, but not without a cost. Around the time she had turned 22 her mother passed away from a severe illness. The passing of her only remaining family sent Sylvie into a spiral of rash decisions and anger-fueled thrill seeking. After signing on with a novice adventuring party to aid researches in exploring a cave system in La Noscea, Sylvie was subject to a very rude awakening when unseen creatures within the caverns killed nearly all of her hired comrades. Barely making it out alive, she set out with a new sense of purpose and appreciation for the life she had chosen (as well as a nasty set of scars on her back and shoulder.)Currently Sylvie is furthering her experience as an adventurer. After making a pilgrimage to the Lancer's Guild in Gridania she's become much more competent in her skills as a fighter and tactician. That's not to say she hasn't grown in other ways. After her near death experience the walls of shyness she'd put up fractured some, drawing her out of her shell and making her more willing to meet new people. She hopes to better herself and those around her through her kindness and actions. Whether it be taking on freelance work with new comrades, or attending social events with her friends at the free company estate. Sylvie is slowly but surely becoming the person she'd always dreamt of being.

Roleplay Hooks

Adventurer: Sylvie can often be found traveling the major cities looking for freelance adventuring work as well as gathering supplies for her journeys. She more than welcomes the offer of adventuring or mercenary work, and is willing to work with a wide variety of folk from the inexperienced to the most seasoned of warriors.Ishgardian heritage: As she learned more of her family and met her only living family member, her grandmother, Sylvie has tried to get closer to the Ishgardian part of her past. Even though she was born there she spent very little time in the city before she was moved to La Noscea with her mother. Her shy nature and love of adventure and the gruffer elements of life such as sparring with friends and getting her hands dirty with exploration make her feel quite out of place among the quieter more fanciful folk of the Ishgardian upper class. She's a far cry from being the rich socialite her grandmother is, but nonetheless would like to interact more with the culture and people she never got to know in her youth.Avid Botanist: One of Sylvie's main hobbies is studying in the field of Botany. Over the years she's filled dozens of journals with notes and sketches of her own. More often than not in her free time, Sylvie can be found somewhere out in nature admiring and idly studying the various flora of Hydaelyn. She has a genuine passion to understand and catalogue how different plants grow and will talk for hours on end of about the subject if given the chance. Needless to say, its an excellent way to strike up a conversation with the otherwise more reserved woman.Explorer of Hydaelyn: Much of Sylvie's adventuring work takes her to places both familiar and new to her. But on her own she's quite the established explorer. She enjoys taking time to do things such as hike through nature and has a fondness for creating her own maps of areas in her journal. Asking about the different flora and fauna found in a given area is a great way to get her talking.Wyrm's Blood: At a glance one might notice Sylvie's rather draconic eyes. She's somewhat reluctant to speak of it, but she was involved in a rather nasty happenstance which involved her imbibing in dragon's blood against her will. Though she managed to escape the effects of the infusion unscathed save for her eyes, the experience left her rather scarred and undid some of the work she'd done to be more outgoing and trusting. Someone with knowledge or similar experiences would be able to speak on the subject without much pushback from her.


A collection of screenshots from across Sylvie's grand adventure

OOC Info

Hi there! Thanks so much for reading my nervous elf girl's carrd! Hope you liked what you saw, and hope to maybe hear from you in game sometime! I'm no longer new to FFXIV (1200 hours in by the time I'm writing this!, but I'm having a ton of fun interacting with the community and playing my sweet gal.Some basic info about the author:I'm just your average nerdy trans girl who likes video games and TTRPGs. I'm a huge fan of other FF games (9 is my favourite!) and love to write! I've been roleplaying for a large part of my internet life, so taking to FF RP was pretty easy.
Much like Sylvie I'm pretty shy, so please feel free to make the first move if you're not sure! I promise I try and get back to people ASAP <3
Roleplay ground rules:
-Tells are open! Whether or not I respond depends entirely on how you decide to approach it though.
-I'm not a huge fan of WUs but I'm not opposed. Just don't feel too bad if I don't catch it or don't respond.-(18+ ONLLY!) NSFW RP is okay! I've done my fair share of ERP both in and out of game, so I'm open to the idea! Though I do prefer we at least chat about what we wanna do first lol.-Generally okay with doing regular non-NSFW RP with anyone 16+. I was a teen on the internet too once, everyone deserves to have fun. Just please don't feel bad about me shying away from NSFW/Adult topics.Thanks again for reading! <3